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Minutes of the regular meeting of the legislative Council held on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 in the Meeting room of the C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM

Present:  Joseph Hemingway, John Torok, John Aurelia, Gary Davis, Jeffery Capeci, Francis Pennarola, William Rodgers, Jan Brookes, Patricia Llodra, Daniel Amaral, Po Murray
ABSENT:  Joseph DiCandido

ALSO PRESENT:  Selectman Paul Mangiafico, Finance Director Robert Tait, Attorney Robert Hall, 2 members of the public, one member of the press.

VOTER PARTICIPATION – Paul Mangiafico, 15 Kent Road feels the debt management policy is a great policy.  He is concerned about the wording on page 2. V. E.  The general public will think that the goal is to have 10% where the goal is 0.  He would like language to be added that would focus it back to the range.  8% is a warning sign and 10% is the cap.  Such as a range from 0 to 10% with 8 to 10% as the upper acceptable range.
MINUTES – Mr. Capeci moved to accept the minutes from the January 21, 2009 meeting as presented.  Mr. Aurelia seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
COMMUNICATION – Mr. Rodgers reported that the change to the Capital Improvement Plan was accepted by the Board of Finance.
 Mr. Rodgers also spoke with Chief Kehoe regarding the Noise ordinance.  When animals are involved, the Animal Control Officer will be sent to assess the situation.  The police are not rushing out to issue citations.
Mr. Torok has agreed to step in to the sub-committees that Chris Lyddy was a member.  In addition, Mr. Rogers asked that Mr. Torok assist with the consolidating maintenance expenses of municipal and school facilities.
According to Mr. Rodgers Governor gave a budget speech today- school funding is supposedly not to be jeopardized – the state mandated in school suspension law will be put off for 2 years if the governors proposal is accepted – talking about closing 23 departments and town aid was allegedly preserved by the governor – Mr. Rodgers did have a citizen contact him regarding severally restricting use of town cars in response to the governors efforts with state vehicles, and that might be something to consider in the budgetary process.

COMMITTEE REPORTS – Mrs. Llodra informed the Council that the education subcommittee of the council was invited to be part of the reception for the 10 Chinese students at the high school for a week as the first wave of students interacting with their partner school Newtown High School.
Ms. Llodra reported that the Communications committee continues to meet and have identified that there is a serious need to have a representative from O&G to assist in 3 or 4 larger questions that are beyond the scoop of the committee. They are trying to get portable telecommunications equipment that is in addition to the work being done at Town Hall.  The cost is less than $20,000 and the equipment can be taken to any venue that a meeting is being held and will also allow the broadcast of meetings all around town.

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT – Mr. Borst was unable to attend but reported to Mr. Rodgers.  At the Selectman’s meeting, Herb Rosenthal presented a resolution concerning the Army’s interest in the High Meadow of Fairfield Hills.  The directive to Mr. Borst is to decline interest immediately.  A letter will be produced in draft form tomorrow for Mr. Rosenthal’s review.  
Reportedly, the Board of Selectman have completed their budget hearings and have one more meeting to finalize their numbers. They are down between $1.2 million and $1.7 million of last year and considers that about $500,000 shy of what they were shooting for.
Additionally, the Town had a bond issue under 3% (actual 2.27%) and according to Mr. Borst we will be making a rather large by design first payment that will be at an interest rate of .6%.

Consolidating maintenance expenses of municipal and school facilities.  Mr. Amaral reported that they are looking at combing the school maintenance with the town maintenance and see if it would be a feasible, cost saving idea.  The first step is research and to speak with both Fred Hurley of the Public Works Department and Gino Failla, head of the school maintenance.  There are also other towns that have done this.  They will be contacted to find out what the benefits and costs are for the town.

Debt Management Policy – Mr. Tait reported that the Town of Newtown has always had a debt management policy but never written.  Most towns have them and they are on there websites.  The 10% cap comes from the rating agency.  The Board of Finance’s goal is  and less but in the guidelines 10% is the end zone.  Moody’s was please that the fund balance was written.  Ms. Llodra, agrees with Mr. Mangiafico, it reads as if the 10% is the goal.  Mr. Davis articulated that there needs to be flexibility in the policy should a situation arise. Mr. Rodgers suggested that the language change to say “a maximum of” 10%.  Ms. Murray requested that the language of the policy shall be reviewed at minimum on a biennial basis during the month of January in each odd numbered year.

Ms. Llodra moved to send the Debt Management Policy back to the Board of Finance with the two proposed changes.  Mr. Aurelia seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Attorney Hall presented on behalf of Bill and Sally O’Niel who used to live on Fox Hollow Road.  They have moved to Virginia and have decided to put there house on the market. The property abuts Stone Gate Drive.  The turn around was built temporary at the property line.  The Town accepted the subdivision with a strip of land that should have been a Town Highway.  They are requesting the discontinuance of the road.  If the council does not see any major impediments then they will request the selectman for a mandatory referral.  

Mr. Pennarola moved to transfer from Contingency $190,000 to Accounts 01510 1003 (Winter Overtime) $35,000, 01510 2032 (Winter Salt) $125,000, 01510 2031 (Winter Sand) $30,000.  Ms. Llodra seconded.  Motion unanimously accepted.

Having no further business, meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM

Arlene Miles & Ted Swigart, Clerks